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Our vision of “happy, successful, curious, communicators” lies at the very heart of our curriculum at Wrekin View.

At Lantern Primary and Nursery

a place ‘where every child shines’.

Our academy takes pride in leading the children on their journey both educationally and through a range of life experiences; enabling them to drive their own future as well as prepare them for living in an ever-changing world.

As educators we inspire the love of learning in children and are motivated to make a positive difference to their lives. Together we are united in striving to remove all barriers, so children are successful, and their individual needs are accommodated. Alongside the quality first teaching of a broad and balanced curriculum are the educational experiences the children take part in that brings learning to life and helps prepare them to be successful citizens in the 21st century.

Reading is at the heart of our curriculum, and we expose children to a range of quality texts in English lessons, the wider curriculum and in daily RATL (Reading At The Lantern) sessions. We use different books to bring experiences and people to life. We want children to be fluent readers, comprehend what they have read, retrieve key facts but most importantly read because they love it.

Our curriculum is written into sequences of learning that build on a progression of skills and knowledge so that children know and remember more. Where possible we link similar topics enabling children to make purposeful connections. We also ensure we use a spiralled approach to learning, revisiting themes so that children are secure in their understanding. Our research informed approach to constant improvement and reflection ensures that the curriculum meets the needs of all our children. Scaffolds are used to support some of our vulnerable pupils who have additional needs or English as an additional language. Our intervention strategy has been developed to support children in addressing gaps in their learning at whatever stage they are at in their education. We also make sure that the children understand their community both historically and geographically as well as knowing how to stay safe and what to do if something is worrying them.

Part of our vision is to prepare children for the next stage of their learning, whether that be joining with us in the early years, moving into the next year group or starting their secondary education. Our planned, robust transition programme supports children on this journey. We recognise that for children to have the best life chances they need positive learning outcomes, so we use the information we learn from our everyday and standardised assessments to inform the next stage of planning.

Everyone is welcomed to the academy with a smile, and this reflects our positive attitude towards life, learning and relationships. This is an important part of our ethos and permeates through the academy. Our three values and expectations ‘We Respect’, ‘We Care’ and ‘We Persevere’ are interwoven through our curriculum and everyday teachings as we know that these core values are central to being truly decent human beings.

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Please select below:

Lantern 2037

Art and design

Lantern 2193

Design technology

Lantern 2074

Early Years Foundation Stage

LCT Update 5

Long Term Plans

Lantern 2239


LCT Update 5

Medium Term Plans

Lantern 1972

Personal, Social, Health and Economy

Lantern 2290

Physical Education

LCT Update 5

Religious Education