

Curriculum intent, implementation, and impact

About the Curriculum intent, implementation, and impact


Our geography curriculum has been written to enable pupils to have a secure understanding of the area and region they live in and be able to compare it with similar or contrasting areas in the wider country, continent and world. It concentrates on developing the children’s understanding of the Earth’s physical and human processes through a series of topics taught over their time at Lantern Academy.

We aim to develop pupils’ understanding of the diverse world in which we live and how different people must live in different ways. Our curriculum starts by children understanding their own community before branching out to learn about places, regions and countries across the whole world.

Our sequences of learning promotes in pupils an understanding of the importance of looking after their planet and the impact upon the world if this doesn’t happen as well as developing an appreciation of the world and their place within it.


Our curriculum has been written based upon the National Curriculum aims and objectives. It builds upon key skills and knowledge through a carefully planned and written sequence of learning. Termly topics focus on geography and allow children time to think deeply and question things happening locally, across our country and the wider world.

Lessons are taught in a variety of ways ensuring all learners can access the curriculum. To enrich this subject area carefully planned educational experiences and visitors are incorporated allowing children to bring their learning to life.

Understanding geography begins in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) where children are introduced to their school environment and learn about nature both within the classroom setting, in the outdoor area and in our forest school’s environment.

Across the wider school, our Key Stage 2 children support keeping our academy environment tidy by ensuring it is litter free, tidying leaves and making sure lights are turned off in areas where they aren’t needed. These children have also worked closely with the local parish councillors to become street warriors and litter pick across the whole local community.


Our geography curriculum has been carefully mapped out so by the time pupils leave Lantern Academy they have a secure understanding of their local community, the environment in which they live and the wider world. It is planned so it progressively builds upon key skills and knowledge. Pupils start the topic by being provided with a title, they plot their current knowledge and understanding through a mind map and then add to this as the topic progresses. Retrieval opportunities are planned in allowing the children to revisit learning and secure their understanding further,

Vocabulary is introduced and children are given opportunities to practice saying and using this in context to their learning.

Our humanities lead works alongside teachers to ensure the children are being offered a quality curriculum. They visit classrooms informally and formally to look at learning in practice. In addition, pupil voice focussing on learning in geography provides the humanities lead with an understanding of how children view these lessons. Book looks demonstrate the quality of work in geography and teachers have opportunities built into staff meeting to share good practice. Finally, teachers provide overall judgements of individual children’s understanding in geographical topics using the assessment portal, Insight.

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