
Physical Education

Curriculum intent, implementation, and impact

About the Curriculum intent, implementation, and impact


We want all children at Lantern Academy to love being involved in Physical Education and see the benefits to their personal fitness and mental health. Our children access PE lessons for a minimum of two hours per week. One lesson is spent engaged in an outdoor PE lesson and the other is an indoor lesson. The different lesson focus on different skills and knowledge. These are built up as the children progress through the academy. In addition, our PE lessons incorporate the benefit of taking part in physical education lessons, accessing sport outside of the academy, what we mean by a healthy lifestyle as well as playing fairly, with honesty and becoming an effective team player.

Links are made within PE to other subject areas such as Personal, Social, Health and Economy and Science where more in depth studies into nutrition, healthy living and being active citizens within the local and wider community take place.

Lessons have been created using the National Curriculum aims and objectives and written into sequences of learning.


Children access a wide range of sporting activities throughout their time at Lantern Academy including net and wall games, striking and fielding activity, invasions games, gymnastics, dance and adventure. During the summer term our Year 4 and 5 children also go swimming, along with any children from Year 6 who haven’t met the required standard.

As a school with mixed age classes topics for Physical Education are mapped out over our Long-Term Plan cycles. Teachers then access sequences of learning, with resources demonstrating how to teach PE effectively.

Throughout the academic year children have the opportunity to access a range of after-school activities such as multi-skills, football, basketball, hockey, boccia and gymnastics. In addition, children have the opportunity to take part in a variety of sporting events and competitions both with schools who are also part of the Learning Community Trust and schools from the wider Telford area.

Our older children are nominated to become House Captains and through our job shop, Key Stage 2 children can apply to be Play Leaders and lead sporting games with the younger children during lunchtimes.


The skills and knowledge the children learn through their PE lessons equip the children to be able to take part in different sporting activities and develop a love of physical activity. Alongside this, the education provided around living and maintaining a healthy lifestyle and being a positive team player will prepare them for the next stage of their education.

Our overarching aim is that our children grow up to live happy and healthy lifestyles utilising the skills taught through their Physical Education lessons.