Curriculum intent, implementation, and impact
Mathematics is a part of everyday life, so it is our aim to ensure children develop a love of this subject. Providing a quality mathematics curriculum is essential so that children are equipped with the skills to be fluent in mathematical calculations. Securing this skill enables children to reason and solve mathematical problems using a range of skills, knowledge and understanding.
At Lantern Primary and Nursery, our curriculum has been developed using the scheme White Rose Maths as the spine. We have developed our own Long-Term Plan based on this scheme which allows the children to continually spiral back to their learning. We believe this embeds knowledge and understanding. The White Rose method provides children with a deep understanding of mathematics through a concrete, pictorial and abstract teaching and learning approach. This philosophy helps children to build their confidence, think critically and make relevant connections in mathematics.
For children who require their curriculum adapting, so their individual needs are met, we use a range of scaffolds and support enabling children to make progress at whatever level they are at as our mission is to ensure that ‘every child shine’s’.
The children begin their mathematical learning journey when they start with us in nursery following the Birth to 5 Matters Curriculum statements. Securing a solid understanding of number sense in the Early Years and Foundation Stage is vital. The children in the nursery and reception take part in daily counting activities, songs, number formation activities, games and other practical and written activities. Alongside direct teacher exposition of a concept or topic, independent learning opportunities are built into the classroom provision allowing constant exposure to mathematics.
We follow the national curriculum and use the end of year indicators to ensure all children receive the mathematical education they need. Our delivery of lessons is using the White Rose Maths scheme, although we have adapted the long-term plan ensuring a spiralled approach is embedded as we recognise our children need to be continually exposed to all concepts. This method makes sure that children know and remember more. Alongside this, the children complete ‘Flashbacks’ recapping on prior learning, so mathematical concepts are constantly being revisited and retaught.
Mathematics is taught daily through a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach. Our lessons include opportunities to secure understanding of fluency and then apply this to reasoning and problem-solving questions and scenarios. Teachers and Learning Support Mentors use a range of physical resources, including Numicon, Base 10, place value cards, frames and counters and different counting scaffolds such as number lines, hundred squares and multiplication grids, to assist children in their learning and understanding of mathematics.
We want children to be fluent in their times tables and use the online platform Times Table Rockstars to assist with the practice and fluency in this area. This electronic application is used alongside Maths Whizz, the intervention package programme children access to support plugging gaps, whether this be in key aspects of maths or to secure a greater depth understanding.
For some of our vulnerable learner’s maths is delivered in smaller groups or using a 1:1 adult. Pre-teach sessions and prior learning of relevant mathematical vocabulary is a way we help our learners to be successful in lessons. Same day intervention also enables adults to assist children in acquiring the understanding, knowledge and skills that may have been identified as missing during a lesson and to help prepare them for the next session.
Skills learned in mathematical lessons are transferred into other areas of the curriculum, so children have opportunities to practice using the skills and knowledge learned in other subjects, thus making links on how maths is used in our everyday lives.
Our approach to maths is constantly revisited and reflected upon based on the up-to-date research that is released. We are currently receiving support to improve maths in our academy even further through a bespoke package offered through the Telford and Wrekin’s maths hub. Teaching staff and Learning Support Mentors receive continuous professional development as we strive to continually improve both standards and our own exposition.
Parents enjoy sessions in classrooms where they are given opportunities to join in mathematical activities together and so they can support their child at home.
At Lantern Primary and Nursery, we want all our children to leave us having a positive attitude to mathematics. Ensuring they are confident mathematicians and can apply the knowledge and skills they have learned in a variety of ways is vital. We use a range of both formal and informal assessments to continually benchmark the children’s understanding. This feeds into teachers planning so the lessons taught are relevant and address what children need to know. Our expectation is that children leave each year group working at age related expectations or beyond. Where we identify this is not going to happen our intervention strategy is implemented ensuring all children make large steps of progress. Children who have special educational needs utilise appropriate scaffolds and bespoke curriculums to support their learning.
Talking about maths is also important. Our vocabulary books also contain the mathematical language and words children need to know. Time is given in lessons for children to work together and think, pair and share their comprehension of a concept. Being able to articulate understanding verbally allows children to become critical thinkers and independent learners.
When leaders talk to children about their mathematical lessons, they discuss them positively. Maths is enjoyed in our academy. Children recognise that when they don’t understand a concept, support is offered to help them secure the knowledge needed.
Latern Primary and Nursery Yates Way, Telford, TF2 0AZ
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