our results

Performance, Ofsted, and results

The performance of results and outcomes for our pupils is vital to meet our vision and values. Therefore, we have provided a summary of our results and performance below:


Lantern Academy is currently rated as ungraded following converting to an academy in 2022. Academies will be inspected generally within 3 years of converting to an academy.

Performance tables

Our most recent results can be viewed on the Government performance tables.


Early years foundation stages (EYFS) for pupils up to 5 years old

Measure Descriptor 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Good levels of development The percentage of our pupils which have evidence of good levels of development this year. - 46 84 69


Year 1 and year 2 phonic screening check

Measure Descriptor 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Year 1 Percentage of year 1 pupils which have reached the pass rate in the phonic screening check - 67 67 81
Year 2 Percentage of year 2 pupils which have reached the pass rate in the phonic screening check - - 93 88


Key Stage 1

Measure Descriptor 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Reading This is the percentage of pupils which have evidenced the expected standard of English reading at key stage 2. - 31 63 69
Writing This is the percentage of pupils which have evidenced the expected standard of English writing at key stage 2. - 31 44 63
Mathematics This is the percentage of pupils which have evidenced the expected standard of mathematics at key stage 2. - 46 63 69
Combined This is the percentage of pupils which have exceeded the expected standard at key stage 2 in Reading, Writing and Mathematics - 31 38 63


Year 4 Multiplication Check

Measure Descriptor 2023-24
Multiplication questions up to 12 x 12 Percentage of our Y4 pupils who achieved 25 out 25 in Multiplication Check 35
Average score of our Y4 pupils in Multiplication Check 20.4


Key stage 2

Measure Descriptor 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Reading This is the percentage of pupils which have evidenced the expected standard of English reading at key stage 2. - - 53 (21) 44 (7)
Writing This is the percentage of pupils which have evidenced the expected standard of English writing at key stage 2. - - 35 (5) 63 (7)
Mathematics This is the percentage of pupils which have evidenced the expected standard of mathematics at key stage 2. - - 42 (11) 44 (7)
GPS This is the percentage of pupils which have evidenced the expected standard of English grammar, spelling, and punctuation at key stage 2. - - 56 (15) 47 (5)
Combined This is the percentage of pupils which have exceeded the expected standard at key stage 2 in Reading, Writing and Mathematics - - 32 (5) 30 (4)