

Curriculum intent, implementation, and impact

About the Curriculum intent, implementation, and impact


Lantern Primary and Nursery’s intention for science is that children are inspired, engaged and use investigation skills in their lessons. Our curriculum has been written using the White Rose Science scheme of learning, which uses a small, stepped approach to learning. Our lessons make direct links to everyday life, so children recognise the importance of science in the world in which they live.

We want children to be curious, make predications and evaluate their learning. Enquiry-based lessons allow children opportunities to research, investigate and form opinions about what they have learned. Topics cover the national curriculum expectations and focus on sustainability, the planet, our bodies and help children develop an empathy for the local and wider world.

Providing a language rich approach to science provides the vocabulary the children need to demonstrate their understanding. Children are given opportunities to record their learning in different ways and appropriate scaffolds are provided enabling all children, including those with SEND to engage in lessons.


Our topic titles are based around the national curriculum expectations and are taught through sequences of learning with clear end points. A ‘big question’ is asked at the beginning of the topic and answered as the children progress through the lessons. This ensures children have the opportunity to learn deeply.

Teachers plan practical activities to meet the lesson requirements which will engage the children as well as encourage them to explore, ask questions, make predictions, create plans and carry out investigations and observations, ending with a clear summary and conclusion.

Learning is recorded through a range of medium including written accounts, diagrams, statistics, videos and presentations. This ensures all children are able to access the learning and explain their understanding at their individual level.

Using the White Rose Science scheme of work, as the spine for the learning journey, allows a small-stepped approach to learning. It provides a range of presentations and videos which engage children and provides clear and concise explanations. New vocabulary is introduced throughout the sequence with opportunities to revise the use of language introduced in earlier topics. Children also learn about famous scientists and the role they have played and the difference they have made to the world in which they live.

Children use a range of equipment to secure their understanding by exploring and experimenting whilst learning. We believe this secures understanding.

Assessments are carried out during every lesson, and flashbacks are used to check for understanding of prior content taught. Children also assess their own learning as well as that of their peers. Misconceptions are addressed as they are identified and where a gap in knowledge is recognised these are dealt with through our Memories After Dinner (MAD) sessions. End points are tracked using the online assessment portal Insight. Clear and concise success criteria is provided allowing children to assess their own understanding.


This approach results in fun, engaging and inspiring lessons which leads to children being curious, ask questions, reflect on what they know and seek understanding. It provides firm foundations for children to build on so that they understand the world around them and the role science has in it.

Assessments are carried out in a variety of ways including ways including during each lesson, through flashbacks to check on prior learning, retrieval questions, thought showers and more formal assessing of knowledge.

Children will use the vocabulary learned to demonstrate their understanding and be able to communicate what they have learned with their peers and adults, demonstrating their confidence in science.

We want all children to be working at age related expectations in science, but where we recognise this isn’t going to happen appropriate support and scaffolds are used, especially for those children identified as having special educational needs. This ensures all children make progress at the stage they are at in their learning.

Useful Resources