Curriculum intent, implementation, and impact
It is our belief that every child can be a musician and therefore needs an opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument and perform in a range of concerts, showing casing everyone’s individual talent.
At Lantern Academy, our curriculum has been written so that children are excited about music and have opportunities to sing, compose and perform. Whilst with us, children have the chance to explore a variety of instruments therefore providing them with the skills and knowledge on how to become a successful musician.
Children learn about a range of songs and music from around the world. We know that music has developed the confidence of children and has sparked their enthusiasm to explore this further outside of school.
Our high-quality music curriculum is delivered in weekly lessons through Rockit Music Projects and builds upon skills and knowledge of terminology, musical performance and understanding of instruments as a whole.
At Lantern Academy, our music curriculum has been written using the National Curriculum aims and objectives. The children cover the four main areas of music allowing time for the children to develop their skills and knowledge in performing, composing, listening and singing. Lessons are delivered weekly and incorporate opportunities for children to sing, listen and critique musical pieces by well know composers, learn the vocabulary and terminology and then apply it within their lessons and practice playing pieces of music. Across the year, children are also given the opportunity to showcase their individual talents by composing their own pieces of music.
As a school, we come together to sing in our singing assemblies. Here we learn songs for key calendar events including harvest, Christmas, Mother’s and Father’s Day and sing them together as a school.
We want all children to be inspired by music and leave us being able to play a musical instrument. Children have the opportunity to practice using the steel pans, keyboards, glockenspiels, drums and ukuleles so they can make an informed decision about the instrument they enjoy playing. We want children to build a repertoire of songs which they enjoy singing and performing to others. All children are given opportunities to perform to an audience at events including Carols Around the Tree and our End of Year Concert. We also take children outside of the academy so they can perform at events including the Big Light Switch on at Oakengates, Telford Sings and at a local Care Home. We are so proud of our children’s achievements that our Year 6 children took their first music exam in 2024 and achieved a distinction. This opportunity will be available every year so that our children can showcase their achievements and have them formally recognised.
Our music curriculum supports our children in becoming confident performers who enjoy singing, composing their own music and showcasing their talents in whole school and class performances. Our children understand the technical vocabulary associated with music and can recognise examples of these when listening to music by famous composers and artists or within their own playing.
Our music lessons are captured through video and QR codes allow the children, parents and visitors to scan them and listen to performances and how weekly lessons build on skills and knowledge week on week. These are kept in a class music book.
Each year group has their own ‘listening list’ which includes classical pieces, music from different cultures and different eras.
Performances are scheduled throughout the year for the children to share their talents with parents, carers, representatives from the local community and other stakeholders associated with our academy. In addition, our choir meet weekly to build a greater repertoire of songs and enjoy performing at events and places within the community.
At the end of the children’s time with us they demonstrate their talent, progress and achievements through a formal examination with Musxcel UCS where an examiner comes and listens to the pieces they have prepared and asks a range of questions regarding the terminology of music.
Latern Primary and Nursery Yates Way, Telford, TF2 0AZ
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