
Early Years Foundation Stage

Curriculum intent, implementation, and impact

About the Curriculum intent, implementation, and impact


The foundation stage is the start of our children’s journey at Lantern Academy. It is a vital stage where the children develop into active, independent, imaginative, and creative learners who are school-ready. Throughout the foundation stage, children will develop an awareness of the wider world and the confidence to reach their full potential within it.

In our Early Years Foundation Stage, we aim to:

  • Provide engaging and ambitious learning experiences that considers the needs and interests of children in each cohort.
  • Teach the children the knowledge and skills they need to succeed at our school and in their future life.
  • Give our children a thirst for knowledge and a desire to learn.
  • Encourage the children to recognise and value cultural diversity.
  • Provide a stimulating, language-rich learning environment which promotes effective communication and a love of reading.
  • Promote and instil Lantern Academy’s values to enable children to become polite, caring, and respectful citizens of the future.
  • Work with all stakeholders to make children’s start to school positive so that they are happy and healthy.

Our curriculum is carefully designed to lay the foundations to enable the children to successfully progress through each year at school. Our curriculum begins at 3 and is progressive from the foundation stage to year 6. The curriculum has been designed with our school and community in mind. We aim for our children to leave the Foundation Stage with a keenness to know more and remember more.


Our foundation stage begins at 3 years and ends in the child’s reception year. At Lantern Academy we strongly believe children learn best when they are actively engaged and ready to learn. Positive relationships with both parents and children set solid foundations for a partnership in learning.

In our Early Years Foundation Stage, we implement our intent through:

  • Equipping the provision with a wide range of resources for children to access which develops their learning across the seven areas of the EYFS curriculum.
  • Providing challenging, structured and unstructured activities to children throughout the day.
  • Extending children’s experiences and vocabulary through the topics, themes and stories we plan for.
  • Regularly assessing children through observations and interactions to swiftly identify any children who may need their knowledge extending or consolidating. Summative assessments are carried out termly to track children’s progress against our curriculum outcomes supported by Development Matters. These outcomes are monitored and moderated through our Trust to ensure consistency. All children are discussed and targeted during termly pupil progress meetings and next steps are identified and reviewed.
  • Early identification of specific children who may need support and targeted interventions.
  • Trained adults to deliver regular, high-quality interventions to support children’s communication and language and gross motor skills. Interventions used include: Talk Boost, Colourful Semantics, Attention Bucket, Sensory Circuits.
  • Adults supportively scaffolding learning to develop engaged, confident and independent children.
  • Adults promoting effective communication through open-ended questions which model rich vocabulary.
  • Liaising with all stakeholders both at the start and throughout the child’s journey at Lantern Academy to ensure everyone is working together to meet the needs of each child.
  • Delivering daily phonics sessions through the Little Wandle programme with additional targeted support for children, where needed. Termly phonics pupil progress analysis takes place using the Little Wandle heatmaps to identify the children needing additional keep-up sessions. When children begin to take part in reading practice sessions, the books that they read are carefully matched to the both the Little Wandle programme and the child’s ability.
  • Daily maths sessions using the White Rose Maths scheme and opportunities to develop their number sense throughout the day.

At the end of their reception year, each child is assessed against the early learning goals to provide a profile of their achievements and abilities. These profiles are shared with the next class teacher to ensure that these foundations are built upon in year 1.


Our aim is for children to make more than expected progress and leave the foundation stage school-ready, equipped with a curiosity about life, learning and the wider world.

Through a carefully designed, broad and balanced curriculum the children will leave Lantern Academy’s foundation stage with:

  • A deep understanding of our school values and how they can demonstrate these in everyday life through their behaviours and relationships.
  • Improved communication skills
  • A good knowledge of stories and the language used within these.
  • The ability to blend and read with improved automaticity.
  • Improved gross and fine motor skills.
  • Increased numerical abilities appropriate for their age.
  • An ability to express themselves creatively

With this in place, a solid foundation for the child’s journey through school is built.

Children will leave reception and continue their journey at Lantern Academy with the resilience, self-belief, and enthusiasm to be the best they can be