Curriculum intent, implementation, and impact
Lantern Primary and Nursery’s Design and Technology curriculum is designed to provide our children with a rich and engaging learning experience which will prepare them to be successful citizens in the 21st century. Our academy value ‘We Persevere’ encourages children to approach problems and challenges with confidence and be solution driven in their approach.
Our lessons are planned in a sequence of learning and progressively build on skills and knowledge. The children have a range of opportunities to plan, design, make and evaluate through practical activities. Children study design technology through creating structures and using construction materials, experimenting with textiles, using mechanics, operating electrical resources and through cooking and nutrition. To further develop this understanding our upper key stage 2 children, have the opportunity to cook with the chef Idris Caldora following our adoption into The Royal Academy of Culinary Arts.
Our curriculum focuses on art through our bi-half termly themes and, where possible, is linked to other learning enabling the children to make links and secure their understanding. We also look into technology around us and evaluate the difference it has made to our lives today. We do this by researching engineers, designers, chefs and architects. This creates a direct link to structures, mechanisms, textiles, electrical systems and food-products and the real-life purpose they have on us in our world.
At Lantern Primary and Nursery we follow the National Curriculum expectations for Design and Technology. We have utilised the Primary DT scheme of work to produce our sequences of learning. This uses a small, stepped approach to teaching the concepts around plan, design, make and evaluate. Progression maps ensure children’s skills and knowledge is built upon as they progress through the academy. Our Design and Technology topics are taught bi-half termly through the five key areas: structures and construction, textiles, mechanics, electrics and cooking and nutrition.
Children have the chance to access learning through a variety of creative and practical activities. This enables them to build on the taught knowledge and skills needed so they become proficient in designing and making.
Through design, children have opportunities to research design criteria and make decisions about the function and appeal of a product so that they understand who their target audience is and ensure that it is fit for purpose. Furthermore, children generate, develop, model and communicate their ideas through discussion, annotated sketches and diagrams as well as look at and create prototypes, pattern pieces and also use design packages on computers.
During making lessons, the children make individualised decisions about the tools and equipment they believe would be best to use when performing the practical tasks. Skills such as cutting, shaping, joining and finishing are developed so children become more accurate in these areas. Opportunities to make decisions on the materials and components they want to use are made and children base these decisions on their functional properties and the aesthetic qualities of the resources.
Using technical knowledge, children apply their understanding on how to strengthen, stiffen and reinforce structures, understand and use electrical systems in the products children produce and know about the importance of healthy eating, different food groups, farming and sustainability.
Through evaluation children use market research to investigate and analyse a range of products already in existence, they also have the chance to evaluate their own ideas and products produced against their design criteria. Children review each other’s designs and listen and respond to the opinions of their peers about how to improve their work further. In this section of the sequence, children may also look at key events and individuals whose designs have shaped the world we live in today.
Our overarching aim is for all children to leave Lantern Primary and Nursery equipped with the skills, knowledge and techniques associated with Design and Technology. We expect them to be able to make links between the products they are designing and making and those already in existence, showing an understanding of the difference they made to the world in which we live in today. Through a practical and creative approach all children can access this learning, and for those who find elements tricky appropriate scaffolds and support is used allowing them to be successful in this area of the curriculum.
Teachers and children evaluate understanding and progress against clear success criteria. Live feedback allows children to make changes and respond to feedback from adults in the classroom as well as peers. Insight is used to formally track the progress of individual children establishing whether they have achieved the learning objective.
Latern Primary and Nursery Yates Way, Telford, TF2 0AZ
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